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Edit crontab

DO NOT edit via “crontab -e” changes will be overwritten after a reboot.

# vi /etc/config/crontab
# crontab /etc/config/crontab

To check if running crontab was updated:

# crontab -l

Enable SSH TCP Forwarding

Set config:

setcfg LOGIN "SSH AllowTcpForwarding" TRUE

sshd have to be restarted. On QNAP /etc/init.d/ is used for sshd restarts (includes also telnet). If is restarted, the stop procedure is executed, which kills the daemon including all sessions. If it is restarted over ssh, the session will be killed without starting ssh again. Use nohup (Entware coreutils-nohup package) or tmux/screen to successfully restart the deamon.

Check if settings are set and active:

getcfg LOGIN "SSH AllowTcpForwarding"
grep "^AllowTcpForwarding" /etc/config/ssh/sshd_config
hw/qnap.1498680907.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017-06-28 22:15 by root