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General Information

Filter Syntax

tcpdump uses pcap-filter syntax to apply Berkeley Packet Filters (BPF) to the traffic. More details about the syntax are shown in the manpage.

man 7 pcap-filter


As of version 4.99.5 (2024-04-07) be careful with IPv6 filters. For example, the 'tcp' filter doesn't support IPv6.

See the BUG section of “man 7 pcap-filters”.

       Arithmetic  expression  against  transport  layer headers, like tcp[0],
       does not work against IPv6 packets.  It only looks at IPv4 packets.

Filter Examples

Specific Port

tcpdump -n -tttt -i rl0 dst port 221027

Specific Host

tcpdump -n -tttt -i rl0 host

Exclude SSH

tcpdump -n -i rl0 'not port 22'

Specific IPv6 Network

tcpdump -n 'net 2001:470:26:6bd::/64 and port 443'

IPsec packets

tcpdump -i igb0 -n -p 'udp port 500 or udp port 4500 or ip proto 50'

TCP SYN packets


tcpdump -i eth0 -nn "tcp[tcpflags] == tcp-syn"


tcpdump -i eth0 -nn "ip6 and (ip6[6] == 0x06) and (ip6[53] == 0x02)"

IPv4 & IPv6

tcpdump -i eth0 -nn "(tcp[tcpflags] == tcp-syn) or (ip6 and (ip6[6] == 0x06) and (ip6[53] == 0x02))"

General Usage Examples

Dump full Packages for Wireshark (DEPRECATED)

If the snaplen (-s) is not specified or set to zero, it will use the default lenght of 262144 bytes.

You may find some examples on the internet where it is set to 65535. The reason is, that in the early days, the default was 68 Bytes (IPv4) and 96 Bytes (IPv6). It was changed to 65535 Bytes with commit GitHub: tcpdump: Commit: Make the default snapshot length the maximum; add a #define for the on 2009-03-05T09:01:29.000Z (tcpdump 4.1.0). Later the commit GitHub: tcpdump: Commit: Don't treat 65535 as the maximum snapshot length. on 2014-06-25T20:18:18.000Z (tcpdump 4.6.0-bp) extended the max to 131072 after libpcap extended the max from 65535 Bytes to 131072 Bytes with commit Github: libpcap: Commit: Don't treat 65535 as the maximum snapshot length. on 2014-06-25T20:15:51.000Z (libpcap 1.6.0-bp).

tcpdump -s 65535 -w /tmp/test.pcap

Dump for Wireshark with rotation

tcpdump -i lo -G $((10*60)) -s 65535 -w /tmp/test.%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M.pcap -Z root
  • -i lo
    • Listen on loopback interface.
  • -G $((10*60))
    • Rotate logs every 10 minutes.
  • -s 65535
    • Capture full package.
  • -w /tmp/test.%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M.pcap
    • Save dump to file. Ex. test.2015-08-11T12:16.pcap
  • -Z root
    • Run as root user. (default is 'tcpdump'. After attaching to the input device, tcpdump will drop its root privileges and switch the user to tcpdump (or the user specified by -Z). This means, the to write dump files with -w, this user have to be able to create and write files.)
apps/tcpdump.1727133512.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-09-24 01:18 by Manuel Frei