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NetBackup - Files


# find /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/*notify


Touch Files

NetBackup Touch Files are files somwhere in the NetBackup directory (/usr/openv) with a specific name which are used to trigger special functions. They are probably called touch files based on the UNIX command touch which can be used to create empty files or because the “touch” NetBackup.

To get a list of currently used files, there's a goodie in the bin directory of NetBackup.

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/bpconverttouch
Touch files found by this utility:
Found file: /usr/openv/var/clientlogdays.txt                                    Contents:28
Found file: /usr/openv/var/license.txt                                          Contents:# DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!
Found file: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/NOexpire                                   Contents:<EMPTY>
Found file: /usr/openv/db/data/vxdbms.conf                                      Contents:VXDBMS_NB_SERVER = NB_myMasterServer
4 touch files found.