====== PowerDNS-Admin Update ======
Stop service.
systemctl stop uwsgi@powerdns-admin.service
Change to the PowerDNS-Admin parent directory.
cd /opt/python/
Create a backup.
cp -rp powerdns-admin{,.$(date --iso-8601)}
Change to the PowerDNS-Admin directory.
cd powerdns-admin
Activate the Python virtual environment.
. venv/bin/activate
Change to the app directory.
cd app
Get the latest update.
sudo -u www-data git pull --rebase
Update pip.
pip install -U pip
Update python modules.
pip install -Ur requirements.txt
Rebuild JavaScript components.
yarn install --pure-lockfile
Update Flask components and database.
export FLASK_CONF=/opt/python/powerdns-admin/app/configs/config.py
export FLASK_APP=powerdnsadmin/__init__.py
flask assets build
flask db upgrade
Correct permissions.
chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/python/powerdns-admin/
Start service.
systemctl start uwsgi@powerdns-admin.service
In case the website isn't working, try to clear the cache/cookies and perform a fresh login.