====== Docker Troubleshooting ====== ===== About Namespaces ===== [[https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/container-namespaces-nsenter]] ===== Network ===== ==== Enter Namespace ==== container_id="mycontainerid" container_pid="$(docker inspect --format "{{ .State.Pid }}" "${container_id}")" nsenter -n -t "${container_pid}" exit After executing nsenter all commands that support namespaces see the network interfaces like they are in the container. Example commands: ip, tcpdump. With exit the namespace can be left to see the network interfaces from the host system again. ==== tcpdump in Container ==== tcpdump has to be installed on the host system and not in the container. container_id="mycontainerid" container_pid="$(docker inspect --format "{{ .State.Pid }}" "${container_id}")" nsenter -n -t "${container_pid}" tcpdump -nn -i eth0